Tag Archives: pisici

Caini versus pisici

Durata citire: 5 minute

Potrivit sondajelor, peste 50% dintre romani au un animal de companie. Dintre acestia, cei mai multi prefera cainii (59,4%), in vreme ce iubitorii de pisici sunt in numar considerabil mai mic (36,6%). Dar dezbaterea caini vs pisici este mult mai ampla de atat, facand subiectul multor cercetari de-a lungul timpului.

Care e mai inteligent, cainele sau pisica? Care e mai iubitor? Care e mai egoist? Care e mai usor de crescut? Care e mai prietenos cu copiii? Care e mai terapeutic? Care stapani sunt mai inteligenti, ai cainilor sau ai pisicilor? Ce spune alegerea animalului de companie despre viata amoroasa a stapanului? Si cate si mai cate nastrusnicii de intrebari, la care echipe intregi de oameni de stiinta si-au pus mintea sa raspunda. In timp ce cainii si pisicile sigur nu-si bat capul cu asta si fac ce stiu cel mai bine: ne subjuga sa-i iubim iremediabil, umplandu-ne existenta cu multa bucurie si lectii nepretuite, pe care nu le putem invata de nicaieri din alta parte.

Dar, daca niste minti luminate au alocat timp din viata lor pentru a raspunde unor controverse – pesemne aprinse, de au meritat sa fie luate in seama de cercetatori – sa vedem la ce concluzii s-a ajuns, macar in ce priveste inteligenta celor doua specii.

[180 Vizualizari]


Durata citire: 2 minute

Adjuvant osteoreparator, antiinflamator şi rubefiant

100 g Osteocicatrat Gel conțin:
Extract de Symphytum officinale (tătăneasă) 25 g; Extract de Chelidonium majus (rostopască) 25 g;
Excipienţi (mentol; camfor; natrosol, nipagin, glicerină, propilenglicol, hidroxid de sodiu, apă deionizată) ad 100 g


Tătăneasa, prin componenta sa de bază – alantoina, are proprietăţi cicatrizante, emoliente, antiiritative şi keratolitice. Alantoina este un agent non-toxic, fiind utilizată cu succes în produse dermatologice, cosmetice şi veterinare; stimulează proliferarea celulară şi formarea de ţesut nou, sănătos; are un efect keratolitic pronunţat şi o puternică acţiune emolientă, acţionând ca un agent chimic de îndepărtare a debriurilor celulare necrozate şi de curăţare a locului de aplicare. Efectul alantoinei se manifestă şi la concentraţii scăzute (0,1 – 2 %).
Rostopasca are ca şi componentă de bază chelidonina – un benzofenantridin derivat cu acţiune similară cu cea a morfinei. Are efect sedativ, analgezic, spasmolitic şi citostatic.
Camforul şi mentolul au un efect uşor rubefiant şi de răcorire a zonei de aplicare.
Compoziţia excipientului (baza de gel) asigură o penetrare eficientă a produsului în piele, permiţând manifestarea rapidă a acţiunii acestuia.

[112 Vizualizari]

Clinical Canine and Feline Respiratory Medicine

Durata citire: 2 minute

Lynelle R. Johnson

ISBN: 978-0-813-81671-5 May 2010 Wiley-Blackwell 216 Pages

Clinical Canine and Feline Respiratory Medicine provides reliable information on the diagnosis and management of respiratory disease in a user-friendly format. With an emphasis on the features of the history and physical examination that aid in efficient diagnostic planning, the book is an accessible, readable resource for optimizing treatment of patients with diseases of the respiratory tract. Offering comprehensive, accessible coverage of respiratory disorders, Clinical Canine and Feline Respiratory Medicine is a useful practice guide and study aid for general practitioners and veterinary students.
Beginning with introductory chapters on the localization of disease, diagnostics, and therapeutics, the heart of the book focuses on the full range of respiratory diseases, including nasal disorders, diseases of airways, parenchymal diseases, pleural and mediastinal diseases, and vascular disorders. Each chapter takes a common format with diseases subdivided by etiology into structural, infectious, inflammatory, and neoplastic disorders. Clinical Canine and Feline Respiratory Medicine is a useful tool for students and practitioners engaged in studying, diagnosing, and treating respiratory disease.

[217 Vizualizari]

Canine and Feline Infectious Diseases

Durata citire: 4 minute

Authors: Jane Sykes
eBook ISBN: 9781437707960
eBook ISBN: 9780323241946
Hardcover ISBN: 9781437707953
Imprint: Saunders
Published Date: 2nd August 2013
Page Count: 928

Canine and Feline Infectious Diseases is a practical, up-to-date resource covering the most important and cutting-edge advances in the field. Presented by a seasoned educator in a concise, highly visual format, this innovative guide keeps you current with the latest advances in this ever-changing field. 80 case studies illustrate the clinical relevance of the major infectious disease chapters.

Key Features
Well-organized Major Infectious Diseases chapters break down content by etiologic agent and epidemiology, clinical signs and their pathophysiology, physical examination findings, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis, immunity, prevention, and public health implications.
Over 80 case studies illustrate how the information provided can be applied in everyday practice.
Logical approach to laboratory diagnosis guides you through all the steps needed to accurately diagnose and treat viral, bacterial, fungal, protozoal, and algal diseases.

[72 Vizualizari]

Manual of Canine and Feline Cardiology, 5th Edition

Durata citire: 2 minute

by Francis W. K. Smith Jr., Larry P. Tilley, Mark Oyama, Meg M. Sleeper
July 2015

The most effective, practical approach to the recognition and management of cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary medicine, Manual of Canine and Feline Cardiology, 5th Edition walks readers through the challenges and conditions encountered in everyday practice. This completely revised and updated edition includes vital information on diagnostic modalities and techniques, therapeutic options, surgical procedures, and pharmaceutical management of the dog and cat cardiac patient. A new chapter on genetic and biomarker testing and a new chapter on nutrition surrounding cardiovascular disease ensure practitioners are well-equipped to handle every aspect of cardiac care in small animals.

The latest coverage on common cardiovascular disorders and practical treatment methods addresses topics, such as: cardiac failure, cardiac arrhythmias, conduction disturbances, cardiopulmonary arrest, and more.
Easy-to-follow organization separates content into three sections that build on each other ― Section 1: Diagnosis of Heart Disease; Section 2: Cardiovascular Disease; Section 3: Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease.
Extensive art program contains vivid illustrations, clinical photographs, and color Doppler images.
Drug formulary appendix features a list of commonly used cardiopulmonary drugs, along with formulations, indications, and dosages (for both dogs and cats).

[121 Vizualizari]

BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Nephrology and Urology, 3rd Edition

Durata citire: 2 minute

Jonathan Elliott (Editor), Gregory F Grauer (Editor), Jodi Westropp (Editor)

ISBN: 978-1-905-31994-7 December 2017 368 Pages

This new edition of the popular manual expands on the conditions covered in the second edition; common problems are assessed and the various treatment options considered. Guidance on long-term management of chronic conditions has also been expanded and extensively revised.
Increased focus on diagnostic techniques for chronic kidney disease and incontinence
Chapters covering the management of urinary incontinence and glomerulopathies
Features a new chapter on kidney injury

About the Author
Jonathan Elliott graduated from Cambridge University Veterinary School in 1985. After graduation, he completed an Internship at Veterinary Hospital University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia in 1986, a PhD in vascular biology and amine oxidases at the University of Cambridge in 1989 and gained his RCVS Certificate in Small Animal Cardiology in 1990.

[96 Vizualizari]

BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Abdominal Surgery, 2nd Edition

Durata citire: < 1 minute

by John M. Williams, Jacqui D. Niles
February 2016

Extensively revised and updated, the new edition of the BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Abdominal Surgery provides a ready source of practical information for veterinary surgeons, students, nurses and technicians.

Includes detailed surgical procedures, laid out in step-by-step Operative Techniques in an easy to follow and practical way
Notes on patient positioning and preparation, instrumentation and postoperative management
Specially commissioned drawings and full-colour photographs illustrate both the Operative Techniques and the accompanying text
New chapters on laparoscopic surgery and urinary incontinence

[76 Vizualizari]

Feline Medicine, Review & Test

Durata citire: 2 minute

by Samantha Taylor, Andrea Harvey
February 2015
Feline Medicine Review & Test is the ideal way for students and clinicians in general practice to study, explore and extend their knowledge. Feline specialists Samantha Taylor and Andrea Harvey are joined by an international team of contributors in this handy volume that presents the reader with a collection of selected clinical cases ranging from the everyday to the more unusual. The cases are presented in a systematic format using descriptive and diagnostic images plus clinical and laboratory data. Together they challenge the reader to formulate a differential diagnosis, suggest a recommended therapy pathway, provide an educated prognosis and propose ways of prevention. The definite diagnosis, treatment, preventative medicine and final comments are supplied at the end of each question. A recommended list of further reading offers the reader additional consultative information on each medical condition addressed.

In presenting comprehensive clinical and diagnostic information, Feline Medicine Review & Test allows the reader to explore cases in more depth and with more imagery and background data than may be available in other sources. It is perfect for the continuing education needs of busy clinicians and for veterinarians in training who wish to test their ability to investigate logically and manage feline cases.

[48 Vizualizari]

Felines: Common Diseases, Clinical Outcomes, and Developments in Veterinary Healthcare

Durata citire: < 1 minute

by Colleen Kevins
January 2015

Product details
Series: Animal Science, Issues and Research
Hardcover: 141 pages
Publisher: Nova Science Pub Inc; UK ed. edition (January 25, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1634635507
ISBN-13: 978-1634635509
Product Dimensions: 6.2 x 0.5 x 9.5 inches

Cats, with a global population estimated at 600 million, are considered the most popular pets worldwide, and are adapted to all the environments and to different lifestyles. We can distinguish different types of cat populations, according to their living, which raise different concerns on respect to neutering or contraception. Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) was the first retrovirus isolated in domestic cats, and the infection is associated with a wide variety of clinical syndromes, including feline acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS or fAIDS).

[78 Vizualizari]

Feline Behavioral Health and Welfare, Prevention and Treatment

Durata citire: < 1 minute

by Ilona Rodan and Sarah Heath
September 2015

Learn to manage the physical and psychological well-being of your feline patients with Feline Behavioral Medicine: Prevention and Treatment. From house soiling problems to aggression, this all-new reference offers detailed guidance on assessing, treating, and preventing the full spectrum of feline behavioral problems. Material is organized by both topic and life stage for quick access to the information you need. Plus its incorporation of patient education materials, instructive images, and the latest AAFP guidelines, makes it an invaluable addition to any vet clinician’s library.

UNIQUE! Focus on the prevention of behavior problems is found throughout the majority of the book to show clinicians how to incorporate behavioral considerations into general practice.
Comprehensive, holistic care fusing the physical and psychological well-being of feline patients serves as a foundation for all content.

[80 Vizualizari]

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