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Handbook of Small Animal Regional Anesthesia and Analgesia Techniques

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by Phillip Lerche, Turi Aarnes, Gwen Covey-Crump, Fernando Martinez Taboada
January 2016

This is a concise visual guide to the major techniques of regional anesthesia and analgesia for small animal practitioners, with complete coverage of the relevant physics, physiology, and pharmacology.

Provides straightforward advice and easy-to-implement strategies for general veterinary practitioners without specialist training who want to incorporate regional anesthesia into their practice.

[86 Vizualizari]

Fluid Therapy for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses

Durata citire: 2 minute

Fluid therapy

  • ID: 2221881
  • March 2012
  • 248 Pages
  • John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Fluid Therapy for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses provides veterinary support staff with essential information on administering fluid therapy.   Encompassing catheter placement, monitoring of intravenous fluid therapy, long–term fluid therapy, intravenous nutrition, equipment, and potential complications, the book supports the reader in obtaining and maintaining intravenous access, monitoring patient responses, and reacting to changing in the patient s condition.  With complete coverage of the principles and procedures,
Fluid Therapy for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses offers both a solid grounding in the fundamentals and more advanced information for experienced technician.

Designed for ease of use, each chapter begins with the basics, giving a thorough foundation of information, and then moves into more advanced information, with potential nursing concerns and complications highlighted within the text. A companion website offers images from the book in PowerPoint and review questions and answers for download.  Fluid Therapy for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses is a useful resource for experienced veterinary technicians and vet tech students alike.

[2024 Vizualizari]

BSAVA Manual of Raptors, Pigeons and Waterfowl

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Pages: 360
Edition: 1996
Language: Ebglish
ISBN: 978-0905214293


Most veterinary surgeons will be asked to treat raptors, pigeons or waterfowl during their practice. This manual provides a concise text enabling them to provide the first class treatment that their clients expect.

[641 Vizualizari]

Nutritional Modelling for Pigs and Poultry

Durata citire: < 1 minute
516phn_oztlBy Nilva K. Sakomura, Rob Gous, Llias Kyriazakis, L. Hauschild
Modelling is a useful tool for decision making in complex agro-industrial scenarios. Containing a selection of the papers presented at the International Symposium of Modelling in Pig and Poultry Production 2013, this book brings together the best and most recent academic work on modelling in the pig and poultry industry, with a particular emphasis on nutrition. It reviews basic modelling concepts, descriptions and applications of production models and new methods and approaches in modelling.

[479 Vizualizari]

Handbook of Pig Medicine

Durata citire: 2 minute
51EWGA8MZ9L._SL500_AA300_by Peter Jackson and Peter Cockcroft
 Pages: 308 pages
Publisher: —
Edition: MAY, 2007
Language: English
ISBN 13: 978-0-7020-2828-1Description

Filling a much needed place in veterinary medicine, Handbook of Pig Medicine provides the knowledge needed to recognize, diagnose, treat and control pig diseases in practice. The book includes high quality illustrations which, where appropriate, complement written descriptions of clinical signs. It deals with medical, surgical and reproductive problems in pigs. Clinical examination of the individual pig and the investigation of herd problems are covered in detail, along with a study on pig population medicine.

[425 Vizualizari]

Veterinary Echocardiography

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VeterinaryEchocardiographyVeterinary Echocardiography 2nd Edition

Author : Boon, June A (Author)

Paperback: 632 pages
Publisher: –
Edition : 2nd edition (January 25, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0813823850
eISBN: 978-0470958919Description The first 20 years of veterinary echocardiography were done; I simply had to write about new developments over the past ten years. It was not so easy. The past ten years have brought with it significant advances in technology
including better transducers, tissue harmonic imaging, better color flow mapping, and color and spectral tissue Doppler imaging.

[520 Vizualizari]


Durata citire: 2 minute

Basic Veterinary ImmunologyPublication Date: May 15, 2014 | ISBN-10: 1607322188 | ISBN-13: 978-1607322184 | Edition: 1


Designed to fill the current gap in resources for teaching veterinary immunology, Basic Veterinary Immunology offers a solid background in the essentials of immunology within the context of veterinary medicine.


The book combines a clinical framework complete with real-world examples to integrate the theory and practice of veterinary medicine. Each chapter begins with a clinically relevant veterinary issue and then presents one aspect of basic immunology in the context of that issue. All chapters include learning objectives and a clinical correlation follow-up section that includes student considerations and a review of the possible explanations for the clinical presentation.

[692 Vizualizari]

Guide To Starting A Goat Dairy

Durata citire: 2 minute

Pages from Starting_a_Goat_Dairy-2by Carol Delaney

Carol Delaney’s “Guide to Starting a Commercial Goat Dairy” is a great book, and a must read for anyone considering starting their own goat dairy, or who would like ideas for improving profitability.  While other books focus on the care and feeding of a dairy goat, this one focuses on making sure that the goat producer does what it takes to take care of him or herself as a business person.

Carol draws on over ten years of experience as the Vermont small ruminant diary specialist.  It’s obvious that she’s had plenty of experience with prospective goat owners when she reminds readers to “Start Slow and Dip Your Toe in the Sea of Goats.”  Most of us would rather buy the goat and learn along the way, but trust me, that way lies madness.  Instead follow the more deliberate path outlined by Carol.  Once you know the commitment working with dairy goats requires, check with everyone close to you who will be involved or affected by the business, and use the business planning resources she shares to make sure you’re headed down a path that works for you.

[710 Vizualizari]

Advances in Veterinary Dermatology

Durata citire: 6 minute

Untitled-3Volume 7, Proceedings of the Seventh World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology, Vancouver, Canada, July 24-28, 2012

Sheila M. F. Torres (Editor), Linda Frank (Co-Editor), Ann Hargis (Co-Editor)
ISBN: 978-1-118-64487-4
335 pages  PDF 8.26 MB
May 2013, Wiley-Blackwell

Representing the state of the art of veterinary dermatology around the globe, Advances in Veterinary Dermatology, Volume 7, presents selected scientific papers from the Seventh World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology. The Congress, held in Vancouver, Canada in July 2012, was organized with the support of the World Association for Veterinary Dermatology (WAVD) and its affiliated societies. A record number of delegates attended from over 50 countries to take advantage of the exceptional scientific program. Cutting edge information was presented as review papers and original studies in the areas of:

[7432 Vizualizari]

Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses

Durata citire: 3 minute


A Clinical Approach

1. Edition September 2012
2012. 164 Pages, Softcover
ISBN 978-0-8138-2264-8 – John Wiley & Sons

COD: 006B

Short description
Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses: A Clinical Approach is a comprehensive resource on the anatomy and physiology of dogs and cats, with comparisons to horses, birds, and ruminants. Organized by body system with a comparative approach, the book follows a unique format by addressing anatomy separately from physiology for clarity and improved comprehension. This introduction to body system analysis of normal structure and function is a must-have resource for students of veterinary technology and nursing, as well as a useful quick review for the busy professional.

[2447 Vizualizari]

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